My Travelogue

As I approached the finish line for Noble, my first novel, it was something of a shock to realize that I had been writing my story for almost two decades.  When moving from one version to the next of this or that chapter, Microsoft Word dutifully recorded the date of my last save, so I was left with a trail of snippets, that grew into scenes, that eventually coalesced into the whole, and the passage of time was indisputable. In between the diaper changes, ballet and voice lessons, and dorm-room decorating (times three), I created some of my favorite people and brought them to American shores, albeit with some chasms of procrastination mixed in there with my life events.

It’s been a journey that, also to my surprise, has not ended now that I have finally clicked on the Publish button. Having lived with these people and places inside my head for so long, I find I have more to say about them. My recent trip to the UK with family included stops at some of the places I wrote about, but had visited only virtually. Hardwick Halls, both the old and the new, provided important locations for my story. After the years of research, writing, and polishing, it was an exciting moment for me to finally visit the estate of Elizabeth of Shrewsbury in Chesterfield, where my character Edwin Blake was transformed, materially and psychologically, into his “new” persona.  The “old” hall, begun in 1587, sags in decay on the right of my image, and the “new” hall, completed in 1599, stands majestic and proud to the left.

Hardwick Halls, Old and New, have stood side by side for 400 years.
Known for "more glass than wall," Hardwick Hall is a lasting tribute to the matchless Elizabeth of Shrewsbury.

Maintained by the National Trust, Hardwick Hall is beautifully presented to the public, even as it undergoes major repairs and restoration. Though the house tours were not being conducted on the day we visited, enjoying the kitchen exhibits and exploring the extensive grounds offered a day’s worth of immersion in this grand country house.

If you would like to know more about the book itself, click About Noble, the Novel.

Or, come along with me now as I attempt to solve the Mysteries of Hardwick Old Hall.